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Advanced File Vault


Hide or password-protect any file instantly by just clicking on it. The program works with all file types including pictures and movies. Once a file is locked or hidden, it is completely encrypted and none of its contents can be viewed.

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Rated by
83 users
Windows XP/7
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All software rank:
52 600

More about Advanced File Vault

View the data about Advanced File Vault v1.0.2357, its overall size is 737.71 KB. It is classified as belonging to the Antivirus category, namely Personal Security. The statistics show that AdvancedFileVault.exe and _05BD582FD2D14F1BE3A998.exe are among the most popular installers for this program. The direct download link was checked by a number of antivirus solutions and was proved to be clean.

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Advanced File Vault 1.015
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